Celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer El Bufete de Abogados de Edward W. Neufville, III se une a las mujeres de todo el mundo en el Día Internacional de la Mujer para #DíaDeLaMujer . Síguenos en Instagram Nos complace anunciar la creación de una nueva página de Instagram para nuestros clientes […]
About Marketing team Neufvillelaw
Managing the marketing for the immigration law firm Law Office of Edward W Neufville III LLCAuthor Archive | Marketing team Neufvillelaw
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Celebrating International Women’s Day The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III, celebrates International Women’s Day and stands together with women around the world to #breakthebias. We are proud to profile and share with you the tremendous efforts of Vice President Kamala Harris, Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, President Tsai Ing-Wen and Dr. Raja Easa Al Gurg. […]
El Botetin De Febrero de La Oficina de el Abogado Edward W. Neufville, III LLC
Felicidades ¡Es una temporada de felicitaciones aquí en la oficina legal de Edward W. Neufville, III, LLC! Nos enorgullece felicitar al abogado Edward W. Neufville III por su selección en la lista de Súper Abogados de 2021 para Maryland. La lista de Súper Abogados reconoce solo el 5% de los abogados en cada estado. El […]

Celebrating Black History Month Celebration ~
The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville, III celebrates Black History Month ~ We are celebrating Black History! The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville, III, LLC is proud to profile and share with you the tremendous efforts of Honorable Mia Amor Mottley. The Honorable Mia Amor Mottley was born on October 1, 1965 in Barbados. She is the […]

Holiday COVID 19 Facts and Updates from Neufvillelaw
There is no doubt that we are in unprecedented times. COVID-19 has changed the way we handle our personal and professional business, move about and interact with each other. We prepared these posts for the holiday season but feel that their messages are important to keep at the forefront. In spite of these new uncertainties, […]
Public Charge Rule: Immigrant Eligibility for Public Benefits Webinar
The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III LLC would like to extend an invite for you to attend the “Public Charge Rule: Immigrant Eligibility for Public Benefits” webinar. We will discuss the latest updates to the Public Charge rule and whether or not you are eligible to receive public benefits based on your immigration status. Online Event VIA […]
The Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIF) Webinar
The Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIF) Webinar The Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIF) presents a unique and time sensitive opportunity for Liberian citizens who arrived in the United States on or before November 20, 2014, to regularize their immigration status. Join us on Tuesday, July 21st at 1pm Eastern Time. We encourage you to […]
SEVP Student Webinar – Response to ICE Latest Modification
On July 6th, 2020 the Trump Administration announced modifications to the Student Exchange Visa Program about the impact of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID- 19) on SEVP-certified schools and F and M students. International students enrolled in a university (operating entirely online) must either transfer to a university that offers in person sessions and or a […]
8121 Georgia Avenue, Suite 650
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910
Tel: (301) 562-7995
Fax: (301) 562-8199
Email: contact@neufvillelaw.com