Fall is around the corner but things are only heating up here at the The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III, LLC. Although Summer is coming to an end, we are still busy working diligently on your cases, hosting our 2022/2023 intern and getting ready for the quickly approaching Fall season. We are excited to […]
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Fall 2022 – Legal Internship
The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III is accepting applications for an in-person Fall internship. This intern should be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment and will finish the internship having gained broad experience in various aspects of immigration law. Responsibilities: *Draft immigration applications for attorney review. *Assist in the preparation of […]
May Newsletter
Welcome We hope all our clients and friends are enjoying the cool Spring weather. The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III has been especially busy this season and we are happy to report that our hard work and dedication to our clients is paying off. Wins! Wins! Wins! Our client Ms. Sunney S. has […]
Botetin De Mayo
Bienvenido Esperamos que todos nuestros clientes y amigos estén disfrutando del clima fresco de la primavera. La Oficina Legal de Edward W. Neufville III ha estado especialmente ocupada esta temporada y estamos contentos de informar que nuestro trabajo duro y la dedicación a nuestros clientes está dando sus frutos. ¡Gana! ¡Gana! ¡Gana! Nuestra cliente, la […]
Como Programar una Consulta en Linea
¿Está buscando ayuda con un asunto de inmigración? Permítanos mostrarle cómo reservar una consulta con la oficina de el Abogado Edward W. Neufville III, LLC. *En su navegador web, escriba “neufvillelaw.com”. *De las opciones, haga clic en “reservar consulta”. *Seleccione el tipo de consulta que desea, por ejemplo, la revisión inicial del caso. *Utilizando el […]
Como Reservar Una Consulta por Telefono/Correo Electronico
¿Necesita una consulta para su asunto de inmigración? Vamos a mostrarle cómo reservar una con la oficina de el Abogado Edward W. Neufville III, LLC. *Llámenos al +1 301.562.7995 O envíenos un correo electrónico a contact@neufvillelaw.com *Haga una consulta sobre su caso *Le confirmaremos si podemos ayudarle. *Al recibir la confirmación, usted pagará por la […]
How to Book a Consultation Online
Are you seeking assistance with an immigration issue? Let us show you how to book a consultation with the Law Office of Edward W. Neufville. *In your web browser, type in “neufvillelaw.com.” *From the options, click on “book consultation.” *Select the type of consultation you want e.g initial case review. *Using the scheduler, select a […]
How to Book a Consultation Over the Phone/Email
Do you need a consultation for your immigration issue? Let us show you how to book one with the Law Office of Edward W. Neufville. *Call us at +1 301.562.7995 OR Email us at contact@neufvillelaw.com *Make an inquiry about your case. *We will confirm if we can assist you. *Upon confirmation, you will pay for […]
Legal Marketing Internship
The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III is accepting applications for an in-person Legal Marketing Internship. This intern should be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment and will finish the internship having gained broad experience in the marketing aspect of immigration law. Responsibilities: *Assist with phone inquiries, direct calls, and provide basic […]
Summer 2022-Legal Internship
The Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III is accepting applications for an in-person Summer internship. This intern should be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment and will finish the internship having gained broad experience in various aspects of immigration law. Responsibilities: *Draft immigration applications for attorney review. *Assist in the preparation of […]
8121 Georgia Avenue, Suite 650
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910
Tel: (301) 562-7995
Fax: (301) 562-8199
Email: contact@neufvillelaw.com